Blue Carnation is another feminine color for your fingernails. This color is soft but still bright enough for every skin tone. For me, NailTini certainly made it hard for me to decide which of the colors I liked best. This color certainly came in 2nd for me. This color would be so cute on toenails. Well I hope you girls have enjoyed the swatches and the review for each polish. Now onto the review as a whole.
As a whole, this collection is definitely top notch for quality. The formulas are fantastic in every sense of the word. The colors are perfectly fitted for the Spring/Summer seasons. We have Blushing Lady and Blue Carnation that add charm, elegance, and femininity to this collection. Then we have Admiral Perry that just draws you in, and Garden Jubilee that keeps you guessing on which color it really is. I highly suggest picking this collection up. Kudos to NailTini for such an amazing collection!
Collection sent to me for review.

very prett! It looks almost grey on some pictures! I like this kind of colors!!
I do too! I had a hard time choosing which one I liked!
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